Annie's Tip for Packing Non-Clothing Items

 Here's a great packing nugget.....

I don't have any fancy cosmetics bags. I put everything in see-through ziplock baggies. 

With a sharpie, I write a big label on each bag. AM, PM, Shower, Liquids, Misc., Plane, Tech, Bed

AM things are all the things I use in the morning-- lotion, moisturizer, toothbrush, toothpaste, morning pills/supplements, make-up.

PM things are face wash, ear plugs, evening vitamin supplements, night cream. After I use my toothbrush and paste in the morning, I transfer it to the PM bag. Both bags stay in the bathroom. 

Shower holds my soap, shampoo, scrubby, razor, and anything else I use in the shower.

Tech bag is for my cords, adaptors, charger, etc. 

Bed is a new bag I just tried out his year and it worked perfectly. I put everything I want on the nightstand next to my bed. In it goes my reading glasses, Air Pods, ear plugs, sleeping mask, chapstick, tissues, and anything else I may need at night.

Liquids bag is for all my liquids for easy access in the security line at the airport. After I arrive, I reallocate the liquids to the appropriate bag.

Misc is for things I don't need all the time such as nail clippers, nail file, insect repellant sheets, laundry detergent sheets, ibuprofen. 

I have a hanging toiletries bag that folds flat in my carry-on. When I arrive at a hotel I put the AM, PM, and Shower bags in the hanging bag along with my hairbrush and hang it on the towel rack to keep them off the floor. It came in handy when I took a cruise with two roomates and we were sharing a small bathroom. You can find it on Amazon here.

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