A Video from Santa

Stop the presses!

I remembered a wonderful nugget that I must share with you. 

I don't like to post time sensitive information because I want you to be able to go to Annie's Nuggets any time of the year and find it relevant. However, I will make an  exception for this. It has to do with Christmas.

If you have friends or children who celebrate Christmas, or if you are close to children who believe in Santa Claus, you've GOT to see this.

Remember the days of writing Santa and getting a letter back in the mail? (Me neither. I'm sure some families did that, mine didn't.) Back then we didn't have the wonder of the internet and all of the fabulously creative people who develop nuggets for our enjoyment. And communication with Santa is no exception.

In just a few minutes, you can supply Santa with just a few facts about a child or an adult, and a first class personal video of Santa actually talking to that person will be sent to you or to an email address you provide. It is so real and personal that a child can't help but answer Santa's questions and be amazed at what Santa knows about him!

If you'd rather Santa records a phone call, you can do that instead.

I made a sample video for you to see so that you get the full effect. This video was made for an adult friend from me. Now, keep in mind that this was made for adults. The videos for children are much more specific about the child's behavior and what he/she wants for Christmas.  Click on: Annie's Message to Ellie from Santa

Isn't this fun!  What a great nugget!

You can also make a video message for families, a friend, or romantic relationship, or even business associates.

Now, before you start, have a picture or two handy 
in your computer of the child or adult.

Go to Portable North Pole

You have to sign up to create a video or phone call. The site gives you a place where your message can be sent, and all sorts of fun articles about Santa, his reindeer, etc. And the best part, IT'S FREE! You can pay for a more advanced version, but this is such a fun FREE thing to do!

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