Just Between Us...
I am going to go out on a limb here.
Some things you just don't discuss with anyone except a close friend, spouse, or doctor. Some times you go for years without help for a simple problem, just because you don't want to broach an uncomfortable subject.
Can we talk?
Everybody does it, and sometimes, doesn't do it.
I am talking about going to the bathroom.
For many years I tried to find a solution to chronically not doing it. There is nothing in the drugstore aisle that I haven't tried. I even tried some weird tea that my friends called "bulimia tea." (I hope I don't have to explain why.) I tried drinking more water, exercising, deep breathing, not eating before bed, eating before bed, no bananas, no dairy, more fruit, probiotics, prune juice (ugh), fiber bars, and icky granules you mix with liquid and drink.
Then, quite by accident, I noticed things were consistently coming along naturally.
Could I have grown out of the problem? Or had I stumbled on an easy solution? Through the process of elimination (oh, please, I couldn't resist the pun!), I figured it out.
I had read that a small dose of magnesium helps with sleep because it calms the nerves. It also is good for the leg twitches that keep me awake. So I started popping about 250-500mgs of basic magnesium oxide before bed. It didn't help me sleep, but the really life changing effect happened after I woke up.
Let's just say it's been smooth sailing ever since.
After doing some research, I learned that all forms of magnesium are not the same. Magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate are the type that help with constipation. The other forms of magnesium are great for other reasons, but they don't have the same effect on "going".
Magnesium oxide works gradually, so don't get discouraged if you don't notice anything at first. This is a life long solution to a chronic problem, not a quick fix. Go slowly, adding a little more each night.
I get my magnesium oxide at the drugstore. I like the CVS brand but I am not picky. I pay about $8 for 100 capsules of 500mg. You can buy it here.
You don't need to thank me for this nugget, I'll know by the smile on your face and the pep in your step.
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Annie, I am now convinced that your information could start a movement! Ha Ha!!
ReplyDeleteYou laugh, but I too had this probelm. I was already taking calcium/magnesium so I just changed the time of day I was taking them. So now just before bed I take my regular dose. I am amazed how well this works. I swear it has helped me loose weight this year, but I have no proof. Whatever, I am now part of the daily club! Thanks Anne you are a gem!