About Annie

Note: I don't accept any payments for writing about a product. I am not an "affiliate" and I do NOT make a penny if you click on a link. 

Who is Annie?

Writer, researcher, compulsive bargain hunter, gold digger, traveler.

I am the friend who always tells you about great "finds" that you don't have time to discover on your own. 

I love that "eureka!" moment when I discover something, and it exceeds expectations. It can be a product, an idea, a place, a tip, a recipe, a better way of doing something. I call these discoveries, "nuggets". I travel a lot, so I also have many travel nuggets to share.

Sometimes I discover nuggets through word of mouth. Most of the time I find them by doing hours and hours of research that my readers don't have time to do.

When I find a potential nugget, I use it myself. I will only write about something if it still excites me even after the honeymoon period.

Nuggets can be bargains or they can relatively expensive. But no matter how much they cost, they have to exceed expectations in order to be a nugget. A find. A diamond in the rough, so to speak.

I love it when readers share their nuggets with me. I don't write about anything I haven't personally experienced, so please don't be hurt if I don't write about your nugget right away.  

If you enjoying reading about my nuggets, please forward to friends and spread the word.


Annie's Guide to Paris


I originally wrote this guide for friends who have never been to Paris. I've had several requests for copies, so I decided to publish it on annie's nuggets. 

I will update the guide frequently as I have new Paris experiences. I suggest you check back here the next time you are going to Paris so that you have the latest information. 

I have visited Paris two to three times a year for twenty years. It is by far my favorite city. I wrote this guide in the hopes that I can help make Paris your favorite city, too. 



Why I Shop at Trader Joe's Before I Travel

You may be surprised to hear that I hit Trader's just before I travel overseas. I love to load up on goodies to take on my trip.

Come with me on my travel haul before my international trip!    

How to Tan Like a Floridian

There are certain things you should know about Floridians before you go to Florida.